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- *LEDA 4a
- How are you?;Jak se ti da°φ?
- I'm well.;Da°φ se mi dob°e.
- How's your family?;Jak se da°φ rodin∞?
- They're all well, thank you;VÜichni jsou zdrßvi, d∞kuji.
- How old is he?;Jak je star²?
- He's five (years old).;Je mu p∞t (let).
- She's four.;Jsou jφ Φty°i (roky).
- Have you got a brother?; Mßte bratra?
- I've got sister.;Mßm sestru.
- Brothers and Sisters.;Sourozenci.
- What's your job?;Jakou mßte prßci, co d∞lßte?
- I'm a designer.;Jsem konstruktΘr.
- The children at a school.;D∞ti jsou ve Ükole.
- He's a good job at e bank.; Mß dobrΘ mφsto v bance.